Bulk Change Users And Roles

Bulk Change Users And Roles

With Admin Toolbox, you can efficiently perform bulk change across all your users and roles across in Jira projects. These changes include:

  • Add a user or role to multiple projects.

  • Remove a user or role from multiple projects.

atb bulk change users and roles.gif


Access the Bulk change components popup

On the Projects page on the Advanced tab, you can select Bulk operations → Users and roles to access the Bulk change popup.
It lists all filtered projects for one Project Role as well as the users and groups assigned to it.

From there you can switch through all project roles and add or remove users and groups to roles in single projects or update the assignments in multiple projects at once.


Only specific projects displayed

The popup initially displays only the projects as filtered for on the advanced tab. However, you can refine your selection inside the bulk change popup, too.

atb only specific projects roles.png

Add users and groups

To add users and groups from a project, simply select the desired projects from the select box adjacent to the project.



Remove users and groups

To remove users and groups from a project, simply select the desired projects from the select box adjacent to the project.


Update users and roles throughout multiple projects at once

If you want to update multiple roles for a user in several projects, click on Bulk update project roles and search for the users and roles.

If you still have questions, feel free to refer to our support team.