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The workflow report can be reached via Administration → report or directly the administrationYou can also press on + .
will be shown in this tab.In the following example, an app adds a post function and has been deactivated, but the post function is used in a workflow and that's why an error is shown.
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This feature allows administrators to get an overview |
of existing workflows in your system, including the number of validators, conditions, and post functions used and grouped by apps. View workflows, transition attributes, workflow attributes, and errors by switching tabs. |
that contribute the grouped Clicking will filter the table underneath to include fulfill these reset the Workflows can be filtered by searching for names
Workflows can be then visualized in detail or compressed.
the description the workflow's active inactive draftPagination
If your filters return more than 10 workflows, the results will be spread across multiple pages.
You can navigate through these pages at the bottom and increase the number of workflows displayed per page if necessary.
The Workflow Attribute Report tab provides an used and post functions
The Transition Attribute Report works in the same way as plus it shows the usage of
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